Sometimes it seems like the bigger brands just have it so much easier when it comes to influencer marketing. Of course, they have more eyes on them, which makes it easier for influencers to agree to a partnership. Here at Sideqik, we don’t think that influencer marketing is only for the big brands. We do, however, love to learn from them and their successes.
Lululemon is one of those brands we love to watch. They have a wide array of ambassadors that range from personal trainers to yogis to athletes to content creators. They unify them with their “passion for sweat.” They could have celebrities and professional athletes promoting their brand, but they choose to show that their products are for everyone by selecting influencers that are just like you and me.
The thing that sets Lululemon apart is that being an influencer for them is a two-way street. Like many other ambassador programs, they receive clothing and products to test out, have the chance to teach classes in their stores and are offered other unique experiences. However, it isn’t just about the company. If they support their influencers personal brands, classes, passions and even charities, they create more loyal ambassadors who will share a more authentic, positive experience to their audience. They are successful in their influencer marketing campaigns because of this mutual respect and collaboration.
If you have already started your influencer campaign and want more suggestions on how to create better relationships with your content creators, reach this article. If you haven’t started your campaign and want to learn more about how to get started, schedule your free demo here.