How to beat the Instagram algorithm

So what is the Instagram algorithm anyway?

Basically, the Instagram algorithm favors the photos you interact with. Likes beget views. So followers are shown the content they are most likely to interact with at the top of their feed. That means your content may not be as visible if you don’t post as often.

According to Later, ‘Since the original shift from a chronological feed, we’ve known the Instagram algorithm is mainly based on engagement. This includes the number of likes, comments, video views, saves, shared posts, DM’s and any other type of interactions a post gets.”

So want to know how to beat the algorithm and get more engagements? Read on.

InstaAlgo Tip 1: Hashtag strategically

Now users can follow hashtags just like they follow a user, so they’re more important than ever before.  You can use up to 30 hashtags on any post so make sure you’re searching for relevant keywords that people are likely to follow. There are tons of free tools like Display Purposes that help you find relevant hashtags that are commonly used. These can be great for driving engagements and followings.

Hashtag searching to help the Instagram algorithm

InstaAlgo Tip 2: Post consistently

It may seem obvious but in order to win at the Instagram algorithm, you have to play the game. That means regular posts. That doesn’t necessarily mean post three times a day but find out what kind of content schedule works for you and stick with it.

InstaAlgo Tip 3: Know your audience

Top performing posts have high engagement. And high engagement means you know what your followers want to see. Curate what your individual brand is and stick with it. If you post pictures of brunch next to concerts next to flowers, it’s hard to have an understanding of who you are as a creator. Instead, focus on what value you are providing your audience and stick with it.

InstaAlgo Tip 4: Pay attention to when you post

The Instagram algorithm pays attention to how quickly your post receives engagements. So, it’s best to post when people are going to be online for a quick like.

According to Co-Schedule, Instagram audiences are engaged throughout the week, but with a little extra attention on Mondays and fewer eyes on Sundays. According to their research, the best times of day to post are 8–9 a.m., 2 a.m., and 5 p.m. Who knew!

best times to post on social media for the Instagram algorithm

InstaAlgo Tip 5: Don’t neglect Stories

Video is king, and the Instagram algorithm knows it. If a follower often views your Stories, you’re more likely to show up in their feed. So, post engaging Stories that people want to see! Stories are a great opportunity to showcase things you wouldn’t normally dedicate a whole post to.

A great way to boost your algorithmic standing is to take advantage of Instagram Stories’ features like polls or the Swipe Up feature (limited to users with 10k followers, but you can dream!)

InstaAlgo Tip 6: Be engaging

The Instagram algorithm rewards users who are active in their own comment sections. So just like other social media, be sure to interact with your followers. Respond to comments. If a comment doesn’t require a response, at least give it a heart to show you’re listening.

InstaAlgo Tip 7: Measure your results

If you have a business profile (highly suggested for both brands and creators alike) you have access to Instagram’s analytics. Tracking your success is the only way you’ll know if you’re getting better. Keep an eye on your account’s performance so you can know what’s working and what isn’t.

With these tips, you should soon be topping the feed even with the Instagram algorithm. Thanks for reading. Maybe go give Sideqik’s Instagram a like.


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