Protect Your Brand from Influencer Fraud with Power of Numbers
The Wild West of influencer marketing is over. By using these data-driven strategies, your brand can protect itself against influencer fraud with numbers.
The Wild West of influencer marketing is over. By using these data-driven strategies, your brand can protect itself against influencer fraud with numbers.
Esports is a growing industry with influencers, brands and more. To keep up with the competition, non-endemic brands should consider esports partners.
In order to do influencer partnerships successfully, DTC brand Casper has to know which partners are safe to work with–and which are right for their brand.
TikTok has taken the world by storm. For brands looking to create commercial campaigns, influencers from TikTok pose a new way to reach a new audience.
Recently, YouTube has grown in visibility–surpassing Wikipedia in search results. Here’s how your brand can utilize YouTube influencers in your strategy.
Since Bumble branched into influencer partnerships, each brand has developed its own personality. Here’s 3 ways marketers can learn from a diverse audience.
Esports is a rapidly growing industry with lots of potential for influencer marketing. But how can brands incorporate esports into their digital strategies?
We analyzed the influencer campaigns from three lingerie brands to determine who had the most successful Valentine’s Day influencer marketing campaign.
How do you measure your influencer campaigns? Sideqik offers analytics and data science to back our influencer marketing successes–and your brand can too.
When it comes to brand awareness, there are certain influencer campaign analytics that help improve your bottom line. Here are a few that provide results.
What is your influencer marketing strategy missing? Sometimes it’s as simple as the data. Here’s what your campaign needs–starting with the reporting.
More people are spending money on places and experiences, resulting in a thriving travel industry. With so many travel influencers, how can brands use them?
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